Elephant Vs Anaconda

Feasible Specializations
Biomedical and biotechnology opportunities run the gamut from patient centric medicine to engineering. Careers across the field provide professionals with the chance to do groundbreaking work in patient care, research, and schooling, to name a few. Biomedical and biotechnical opportunities are present in hospitals (public and private), private and government laboratories, and manufacturing facilities. Biomedical and biotechnical scientists and engineers also benefit from the largest choice of subjects for their work: virtually any living organism.
There’s several specializations feasible within biomedical and biotechnical science. Within each lay still more narrow specializations each requiring additional schooling, certification and advanced degrees. Some examples of laboratory specialization include:

Medical Microbiology � The study of microorganisms as carriers of illness
Clinical Chemistry � A specialty that includes analysis of blood and other biomaterials
Haematology � The study of blood
Histology � The study of tissues and cells
Cytology � A subfield of histology, usually taking a look at cell structure and cell chemistry
Virology � The study of viruses
Immunology � The study of the immune system

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