Lion Vs Buffalo Fight to death

Cheap online mba In Usa PRESIDENT � Laticia Wing, CPC, ACS-OR
Laticia Wing, CPC, ACS-OR, has worked for MSU for twenty years & have worked in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine & most recently have taken a new position as Billing Supervisor at Olin Student Health Services. He is specialty certified in Orthopedics. He’s worked in the medical field for 25 years with earlier billing experience in hospital & home healthcare billing. Several years ago, feeling the necessity for specialty specific networking opportunities, he created a every month meeting for orthopedic billers in the Lansing & Tri-Co areas. This group has proven to be an invaluable resource for networking & sharing knowledge. Laticia joined the MMBA in February of 2007 as the Insurance Liaison & has continued in this role ever since. â��The MMBA is an exceptional resource for all billers, the networking opportunities are limitless & I am honored to be affiliated with such a great organization.â��

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